For any company, it is very important to have suppliers that provide quality products and services. Suppliers represent the process input. If we cannot control the supply quality, we can hardly ensure product quality and/or the final service. That is why one of the principles of management focuses on mutually beneficial relationships with the supplier.
Description of the Solution
QSUPPLIER is software that facilitates the monitoring and assessments of suppliers flexibly and quickly, allowing the organization to develop high-quality suppliers in order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the purchase process.
It also includes a corrective action request module that, when detecting a problem, generates a configurable format in an Excel file that is sent by email for the supplier to respond to. When the provider sends the answer, this can be inserted automatically into the database of QSUPPLIER so that all information about the corrective action is filed in the database.
QSUPPLIER allows evaluating suppliers in terms of service capability, installation, support, and logistics, as well as the potential capacity to provide the required products within the established schedule.
Features and Benefits
- Allows periodic assessment of the performance of suppliers.
- Facilitates inspection of materials.
- Monitors the ability of suppliers to deliver conforming products, eliminating redundant verifications.
- Encourages suppliers to implement continual improvement performance programs and to participate in other joint improvement initiatives.
- Allows recognizing and rewarding efforts and achievements of suppliers.
- Provides ability to customize fields and reports.
- Provides WPF technology that allows installs on the server and then runs the program from any PC as if it were local.
- Is easy to use.
- Is friendly. Maintains design standards of MS Office.
- Includes graphical analysis.
- Allows tracking of all changes occurring in the system.